
I strive to make pictures that are simple.

I have called myself "a photographer" since I was 17 years old and inherited my father's Ciro-flex twin lens reflex camera. I was the photographer for my junior college newspaper, taking pictures on 4 X 5 sheet film with a Speed Graphic press camera. I studied photography and film making at the San Francisco Art Institute in the early '70s and carried a Nikon F everywhere I went for years.

I returned to photography in 2002 with a Olympus digital point and shoot. I took many excellent pictures with that camera, some of which are on this site. Since then I have focused on landscape and studio photography.

I shoot with a Canon 30D primarily, but I believe that the photographer makes the pictures and that the camera is just a tool to that end. I also use a 50-year old Argus C-3 to shoot black and white film from time to time. I still have the Ciro-flex.